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Premade Book Covers

Realm of Secrets

The e-book price is $60, and the paperback price is $80.

Smoking Secrets

$75 for the eBook and $95 for the paperback.

MY Wrong

e-book price: 60$ for paperback wrap: +25$

The Last Vamp

This cover design is available for a limited time for just $30 + $15!

Hate him

E book 60$ 75$ paperback

Fangs and Wings

70$ e book price 90$ paperback.

Beauty and the Spellbook

70$ e book price 90$ paperback.

  • This covers are made from stock images from the multiple stock websites. Premade Way To Love Design is not responsible for other covers or art made from stock images. Please email us with any questions you may have and we will be happy to chat about your ideas!

  • Prices apply for Promotional materials based on the cover design done by Way To Love Design.

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